if u don't want to post here why put this thread up? This is a blatant look@me post, if you don't want to post - don't post... don't spit ur dummy and tell us all ur leaving, in the hope that the board will turn round and say "nooooo sasha don't go, stay.... we love u and your voluptuous breasts" (sorry your young, I shouldn't use long words they'll confuse you )... Not every1 in life is going to like you, big tits aint a free ticket... it may impress Nass, Nat and Broony - but it certainly wont impress glitter (who will be very jealous). Me personally I think your an irritating little school girl who craves male attention I for one would like you to stick around - I'll enjoy making fun of you
Apparently so if you truely have ditched your gothic coats and hippy beads... but I doubt it... I thinks you'll still have greasy hair Fashion editor my arse, other than greenpeace who the fuck would employ u?
Aww r u feeling jealous sweetie Well I'll let u help me wiv the men's stuff if that will make u feel better & p.s. cheers for the promotion bro!
Just chill, take everything with a pinch of salt and laugh off what people say, 99% of the time there is no malice in it, everyone abuses each other here, its a love thing! Just forget this whole thing happened and it will all be fogotten about in a few days, once a thread has went to page number 5 its like it never happened!