Mobile Call back Fraud - Number 0871 8717123 A mate of mine got stung by this a couple of days ago.......... DONT MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE! TF ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please take note of this current mobile phone call scam. The company concerned ring your mobile number once and hang up. Should you return the call, attempts will be made to keep you talking as long as possible. This incurs excessive call costs. Do not respond to telephone number 0871 8717123. This is a NATIONAL RATE NUMBER charged at 25 pence per minute MORE INFORMATION If you have queries regarding this bulletin, or are aware of other occurrences of this type fraud, please contact the Orange Help-Desk at 08000 790071
speaking of shit like this...does anyone know how to cancel those crappy crasher txts that costs like 50p each to recieve or summit?
i had one done on me, was playing on my decks one day when the phone rang, and a lass answered and said 'quick ring me back', as the music was load i couldnt hear who it was so i rang back it rang for a bit then i heard a click sound, like when it changes to answer phone message. but it was just a ringing sound. luckily i remembered about a warning i got about a week before saying that people were getting done in the same way but when they were ringing back it was going on to a recorded message of a ring, which was being charged at something ridiculous as £5 a minute, i hung up straight away. forgot to check my bill to see if id been charged.
aye my phone bill is thruogh the roof after a certain someone used my phone to do that - i think the next time you get one just reply back with unsubscribe or summat.
aye that happened to me as well :evil: :evil: :evil: but the one i rang took about 2 squid off me balance and it was just ringing and no one answered:evil:
yeah they do, they didnt used to cost anything, they probably waited until enough people had the subscription before charging.
to stop the crasher texts u have to reply crash stop to one the number, i think you can get it from the gc site if u go to the ringtone bit.