Good Morning After only getting home minutes ago getting to work was hard today!! After waiting what seemed like an eternity for a bus, I sat down and got comfortable. While sitting being quiet & doing no harm to anyone, somebody had the cheek to ask if they could sit next ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just looked up and said 'There is absolutely no chance of me moving, so can you just fuck off'. They looked shocked, I was shocked but really there was no chance of me moving. Also on this hell of a journey some bloke had his dog with him & the little mutt never stopped whining while I was on the bus. I would just like to say to that dog owner when I stood on your animals paw and I said 'Sorry' what I meat was 'Sorry, I didn't mean to stand on your dogs paw, I would have preferred to have to stood on its head' Once the bus got into Newcastle I realised I couldn't be arsed with the metro & other commuters. So I went to the cash point to get some money for a taxi. I got to the cash points, where I was met with loads of fucking idiots just hanging around not using the spare cash point machines!!!!! So rather than hang around & join 'Idiots R US' I just walked up & used 1 of the available machines. While doing this somebody said 'Look at him pushing in!' I just turned and looked and said 'Your lucky I cant be arsed to choke slam you' I think now would be a good time to say that I have sympathy with anyone that has murdered someone while they were pissed & tired! If you have murdered someone while you were pissed & tired, I would be more than willing to send a letter to the Home secretary on your behalf & outline that you only killed because you were pissed & tired & that wasn't the real you.
Re: Re: Good Morning No, but me personally I havent got a problem with honest commuters telling other commuters how they feel. If other people want to brand these 'HONEST' people as miserable cockney bastards thats there call.
Re: Re: Re: Good Morning spose that’s better than people using actions to let other know how they feel. Most people cant be arsed to mumble a word, just let their thoughts known by pushing people out the way/ putting bags on the seat next to them etc., I d rather someone told me to fuck off, than pushed me out the way not saying a word
Re: Re: Re: Re: Good Morning I lied I have been part of the London rush hour once.I walked up some stairs @ a tube station not realising that the stairs I was walking up were only for people walking down. At the time I was getting disgusting looks but I wasn't sure why, it was only once some Eric Bristow wannabee said 'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!' while pointing @ a sign which explained the rules I realised my mistake.
Morning! I woke up this morning feeling as bad as I did towards the end of last night, my stomach was all over, it still isn't quite right! Needless to say, I'm not at work!
Is it me or is today shit? I've decided to sod sixth form and come home. Its just all shit. There's a shit vibe everywhere I go and its all just shit.