In light of what happened to Geordie I decided to go to the Carphone Warehouse and get my numbers stored there, for £1.99. This is totally worth it and I'd advise anyone who runs the risk often enough of losing their phone, to do it. They take your sim card, stick it into a special card and slot that into their computer system. Then ask you for certain details (Phone number, Mother's maiden name, address etc) so no one else can access all of your phone's numbers. If you do lose your phone, or go to buy another one and want the numbers transferred just pop into any of their shops and tell them those details. Well worth it, i've only lost 1 phone and I was gutted, nearly 3 years ago too! :groovy:
or save yourself 1.99 and get off yo ass and write the fuckers down. you choose 1.99 could get you a pack of mozzarella from tesco's.
If you've got a Nokia you can install Nokia Suite on yer PC and IR link to your phone. Stores your numbers aswell as letting you design your own tones and logos. Or as above, write the fckers doon!
I bought a sim card copier off ebay. If someone had the stupidity to dare and steal my phone, id just copy a sim card and shove it in my new one.
Is it not a sim card manager? Sim card copiers, I've never heard of. Also I dont think it's a wise idea for someone to make one of these as imagine what would happen if 5 people all had the same number.. If it is really a copier will you copy me one?
thanx lucy you said it for me! lol it does make sence! just right all your numbers down! not hard really! xxx
To be honest I think it's worth the £1.99 to save yourself the hassle of writing down 130+ names and numbers. Whatever you write it on (paper, computer) they could get lost one way or another. :angel: At the carphone warehouse they are saved onto 2 seperate systems :angel:
But when you lose your phone, you lose your sim card's phone book dont you Think about it - what would be easier. 1) Spend ages writing each and every name into a sheet of paper, or on your PC, and then when you get a new phone, having to key in each and every number manually onto that one... Or 2) Going to the shop and hand your card over, and all 130 numbers (in my case) transferred in 5 seconds flat. :groovy:
they are called 'managers' but u can copy cards as well. Thing is tho, you can obviously just use 1 copy at once or ur Provider will find out and hunt you down. You just use the wafer cards which some people might remember from the days of on digital. Cards are then cut in the shape of a sim card and taddar!
i have always wrote my numbers down!!! It's much easier when you have them at hand!!! but then again you are male maybe the easier option is too hard for you! lol
Have a look on ebay, just search for sim card manager, their not deer. Cards are 4quid ish, there alot cheaper now seeing as ITV Dig went bust