Fallen soldier

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Willa, Jul 23, 2009.

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  1. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Fallen soldier

    Read this on another forum, a very sad and hard read :(

    RIP Cyrus.

    Cyrus Thatcher was a rifleman. He was killed on 2 June 2009

    In the spring of this year, the 2nd Battalion, The Rifles deployed to Afghanistan. Halfway through the battalion's tour, it has lost nine soldiers, with dozens injured.

    Of those to have given their lives, four were teenagers. Here Rifleman Cyrus Thatcher, who was 19 when he was killed by an explosion near Gereshk seven weeks ago, tells his own story, through letters home and the last letter he left behind to bid farewell to his family – his mother Helena, father Robin and brothers Zac, 21, and Steely, 17.

    27 April 2009

    Hello Mum

    I've just got your bluey [letter] (the 1st one) yea you are right it does get ****ing hot, I can't work out wether I'm tanned or just burnt to ****!! I've spoke to you on the phone so you no what I've been doing. I'm well proud of you loosing all that weight. Suppose you've got a pretty good insentive. We'v had the same **** maybe a month now. Everyday a Monday out here. You kind of loose track of days. I cant quite work out if its going fast or slow. This pen is **** its doing my head in!!

    Iv been thinking of loads of things and places to do, go and see. Me and Elliott are gonna go to Amsterdam after this. THINK WE MAY HAVE DESERVED IT!! It should be a good day (November 5th) [their homecoming parade]. On the 6th we can go Belfast Iv'e got loads of sad things I wanna buy ie Sky+ Big TV. Get the old man to help me rearange my room and help me fix my shelves. Im not the DIY type normally resort to celler tape or blue tack. HA HA HA. Hope everyones safe at home. Complete detox out here – water no drink. So my dance moves might involve a bit of stumbling when I return! Im coming home 2 weeks earlier now so that's kinda good, it might be worth Zac picking me up give me a bit of chill out time so I don't try stab a gobby civvi plus he's a good listener, sumtimes I wonder if he's listening or thinking of sumthing completely irrelivant.

    Well pass this round the family so they can all admire my extream spelling (infantry eh!). Lots of love to all the nearest and dearest. Love Ya!! Xxxx

    1 May 2009

    Hey Mum + family

    Ill always address my letters to you cuz I no your probley the only one who gets to the mail!! You'll have to let me no how quick these are getting you ill keep writing the date?? Everything is good up this way getting hotter, still moving at a million miles per hour (HA HA HA) I think Iv'e stopped burning Im slowly going brown and my hair is getting ridiculous just wait till I come home ill look like a ****ing wooky?! I was gonna write to granny + grandad but to be honest with the few spare hours I get Id'e rather write home ey? BTW send my regards to Daphne, Joan, Brian etc. Let em no how Im doing?

    Every so often we get old people and churches send us little gifts like baby wipes, razors, sweets and stuff so its quite a good bit of moral. Got some really good photos ill have to bring my camera back so we can get that Kosovo collage on the go, to bring back on the 5th of November. If you saw what and where Ive been sleeping you would be shocked!! So pictures will back me up!

    Unfortunately 3 blokes died 2 days ago in an IED explosion in one of the FOBs [Forward Operating Bases] bout 2 kilometers away – we visited that FOB 2 days before the attack – ****ing mental quite scary actually! We'v had a rest day so Im doing a bit of hand washing and fitness! God you'd be so proud Ha! Ha! Ha! We've still had spam, rice, beans and unflavoured noodles every day – promise me actually I promise you if I see spam in the house ill ****ing destroy it!! Im getting pretty good at making flat bread and we bout a goat of a local for 200 dollars and we slaughtered it. I got a good video. Its either catch it, kill it, or make it out here or else you go hungry LOL!! The showers are also freezing whilst Im on the subject of moaning?? Id'e best go again BUT ill keep writing when I get the time + ill be home in a couple of months. Love you'zzz all don't worry bout me to much. Theres only 3 things that kill people over hear BULLETS, BOMBS + EGOS so I might go down with a bad case of swollen head!! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha. Love ya xxxxx

    12 May 2009

    Hello Mother

    Yesterday was a massive day for moral an american chopper came in yesterday. I got 5 blueys one from Zac, Daphne, I think Sharpie sent one and Dad?? With some pictures that was great. I stared at them for about an hour I cant explain how good it is to get pictures and stuff you get grown men close to tears at the sight of there kid or a good night out its really strange how this place ****s with your head and emotions. A BIG ONE that I NEED you to try do (get started ill help when I get back) is appeal to local charitys, churches, major companys ie Zoo, Cadburys, boots you name it. Write to them and explain my whereabouts and they do send gifts, chocolate, sweets, magazines you name it trust me a lot of the lads parents did it and they've got clothes, the lot. Trust me Red bull, lucazade, fags AND SWEETS are wicked just keep sending them and URGE people to send photos they keep the moral SKY HIGH. I thought Steely and Zacs [poses] in the garden were quality. I can only prove how much a letter or small parcel means by finding time to right back – that's probley the most precious thing I have and Id'e trade hours for a letter.

    On some much sadder news one of our rifleman died a few days back, we had a parade and a few minutes silence its so strange how many emotions you go through living in these conditions its like everything wants to beat you and rewin your day. Its about not letting it get to you and don't worry nothing ****ing gets to me. Well Im off I love you all loads thanks for my parcels and letters. Lots of love xxx

    14 May 2009

    Hey Mum!

    Its just gone 10 in the morning here Im on a stag rotation for the next 7 days guarding the FOB. Its 6 hours on 3 hours off so not much sleep. (Im already an hour in). If you could see what Im looking at now you'd be pretty shocked. Its pretty stunning to be honest. I could probley sling shot a stone from where we were last contacted [shot at] from Ha! Ha! Ha! Pretty ****ing crazy huh? I shouldn't really tell you this but its safer than on the phone – were leaving this place. Its gonna be a ****ing massive operation moving this lot + a lot of helicopter rides. So when I come back after R&R [leave] ill fly to [the main British camp] bastion then out to our new FOB. You don't really do much on stag. Swetting my tits of its gonna hit 50 degrees today. AAAAH **** my grenade just fell out of my [body armour] – we wont mention that to any higherarcy will we now.

    I think you said you were going to a weight loss thing a few days ago hope that well? (Just keep going) 37 days ill be home – not that Im counting or anything??? THINK there's a bird coming in today at 13.30 so this bluey will probley arrive with the others – well as always gotta go ill try ring when I get a top-up of minuets on Monday. **** knows what day it is I thought it was Sunday today. Ha! Ha! Well lots of love to you all!
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Willa

    Willa Registered User

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Cyrus Thatcher was killed on 2 June 2009. This is the letter he wrote to be delivered to his family if he died:

    Hello its me, this is gonna be hard for you to read but I write this knowing every time you thinks ****s got to much for you to handle (so don't cry on it MUM!!) you can read this and hopefully it will help you all get through.

    For a start **** I got hit!! Now Iv got that out the way I can say the things Iv hopefully made clear, or if I havent this should clear it all up for me. My hole life you'v all been there for me through thick and thin bit like a wedding through good and bad. Without you I believe I wouldn't have made it as far as I have. I died doing what I was born to do I was happy and felt great about myself although the army was sadly the ending of me it was also the making of me so please don't feel any hate toward it. One thing I no I never made clear to you all was I make jokes about my life starting in the Army. That's wrong VERY wrong my life began a LONG time before that (Obviously) but you get what I mean. All the times Iv tried to neglect the family get angry when you try teach me right from wrong wot I mean to say is I only realised that you were trying to help when I joined the army and without YOUR help I would have never had the BALLS, the GRIT and the damn right determination to crack on and do it. If I could have a wish in life it would to be able to say Iv gone and done things many would never try to do. And going to Afghan has fulfilled my dream ie my goal. Yes I am young wich as a parent must brake you heart but you must all somehow find the strength that I found to do something no matter how big the challenge. As Im writing this letter I can see you all crying and mornin my death but if I could have one wish in an "after life" it would be to stop your crying and continueing your dreams (as I did) because if I were watching only that would brake my heart. So dry your tears and put on a brave face for the rest of your friends and family who need you.

    I want each and everyone of you to forfill a dream and at the end of it look at what you have done (completed) and feel the accomplishment and achievement I did only then will you understand how I felt when I passed away.

    [To his brothers:] You are both amazing men and will continue to be throughout your lives you both deserve to be happy and fofill all of your dreams.

    Dad – my idol, my friend, my best friend, my teacher, my coach, everything I ever succeeded in my life I owe to you and maybe a little bit of me! You are a great man and the perfect role model and the past two years of being in the army I noticed that and me and you have been on the best level we have ever been. I thank you for nothing because I no all you have given to me is not there to be thanked for its there because you did it cause you love me and that is my most proudest thing I could ever say.

    Mum, where do I start with you!! For a start your perfect, your smell, your hugs, the way your life was dedicated to us boys and especially the way you cared each and every step us boys took. I love you, you were the reason I made it as far as I did you were the reason I was loved more than any child I no and that made me feel special.

    Your all such great individuals and I hope somehow this letter will help you get through this **** time!! Just remember do NOT mourn my death as hard as this will seem, celebrate a great life that has had its ups and downs. I love you all more than you would ever no and in your own individual ways helped me get through it all. I wish you all the best with your dreams.
  4. Oasis

    Oasis Peter North-east

    Jun 22, 2004
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    I had a tear in my eye reading that. :(
  5. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    very sad but they are still invading soldiers no matter how old they are or how much they love their mum

    plenty of iraqi and afgan "mums" have been slaine by our forces along side their sons on the battlefield that is their own home

    fuck em or cry for eternity cos thats how long 18 yr old english will be getting rubbed out by flipfloppers
  6. WorldonFire

    WorldonFire No Pressure

    Jan 11, 2007
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  7. DN HY

    DN HY 142 bmp

    Oct 28, 2005
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    i have massive amounts of respect our armed forces, RIP mate, very very sad
  8. Rory Space

    Rory Space Gonny wreck yir fucking hoose Sweat tits

    Nov 21, 2007
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    South Shields
    I feel pretty depressed reading that, not as depressed as his family must be but the clock ticks on. He sounded like a good lad, could have done better than the armed forces imo.

    RIP :)
  9. Micko_Harriso

    Micko_Harriso Say Energy!!

    Oct 20, 2007
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    Horrible that like. Like Dan said, i cant describe the respect i have for them. There only there on someone elses orders, rightly or wrongly there still doing their job

  10. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    i dont think our armed forces will ever do anything we can be "proud of" again, they are just tools controled mainly by america these days. Invading little countrys in our name and forcing them to eat with knifes and folks et al...

    there will never be another war thats just "us" agaisnt a enemy like The Falklands and becasue of that we will never feel fully patriotic towards a conflict or the forces again :(
  11. Conway

    Conway helmet Staff

    Apr 16, 2003
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    They always have been tools controlled by someone else.

    In WW1/2 they were controlled by the generals and military.
    Nowadays they are controlled by the politicians, which is far worse....

    You shouldn't feel patriotic about any war. At the end of the day, armies and soldiers go off to kill or be killed, and usually the ones who die don't deserve it. It's usually the civilians who get caught in the crossfire.

    Saying that, I still have massive respect for the armed forces in this country and what they do.
  12. Aaron!

    Aaron! Coming soon...

    Jun 6, 2005
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    Very sad letters. However you can tell by them that he died doing a job he loved. Our armed forces are unbelievable and like everyone else i have the upmost respect for them.
  13. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Seconded. I think anyone who risks their life protecting what they believe in is an amazing gesture.

    I'm inclined to agree with Teknoslops though, our world is fast turning into nothing more than a stealth version of the system we once thought we had to stand up and die by the millions to protect. So i dunno what exactly our own people are doing over there getting involved in something the people they are fighting probably didnt want either. Its crazy.

    One thing i dont understand is the sudden HYPE of the deaths of these soldiers - Its really quite noticeble the level of media interest in the death of our troops at the moment. Any death is a tragedy of course, but how about all the other troops that have lost their life since the 'war' started.

    Those letters are heartbreaking mind. My thoughts go out to their families.
  14. B.O.B.

    B.O.B. Registered User

    Jan 30, 2002
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    Possibly because there seem to have been quite a few in a very short space of time.

    My stepbrother got killed out there 18 months ago, barely a thing in the press about it.
  15. BRID

    BRID Has name in red. Staff

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Ever changing
    Very sorry to hear it :(
  16. Sweeney

    Sweeney Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Keeping to the plan
    I think thats what it is, its really been at the forefront of media attention (quite rightly so) since those 8 people got killed in 24 hours. Sorry to hear about your step brother by the way.
  17. Pierre


    Mar 13, 2006
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    Gateshead Ghetto
    I have that lump in my throat & dont wanna cry in the office. Thats horrific for a mam to have to read that........GOD BLESS HIM R.I.P
  18. *Rachel*

    *Rachel* formerly racheismad4it

    Oct 19, 2004
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    Back in Newcastle :)
    Aw brought a tear to my eye Reading that. I have the utmost respect for all the lads out there and those who have already sadly lost their lives. RIP
    scary thing is, one of mine and jays friends is going out to afghan in 6 weeks and his wife is just about to have their first child any day now, can't imagine what she's going through, especially with everything that's happened in these past few weeks alone
  19. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Sad state of affairs but just don't forget about the countless Afghans killed each week and the shit they have to go through, even civilians who are trying to make a living for their own family.

    Soldier: "You have to stop growing poppies as they are used to make Heroin!"
    Afghan farmer: "So?"
    Soldier: "It is a dangerous drug and is illegal in my country"
    Afghan farmer: So? I do not live there, these poppies make me more money than any other crop, and so I can feed my wife and child, one of whom was crippled by one of your landmines last year"
    Soldier: "But Heroin kills people in my country!"
    Afghan farmer: "Is this the same country where people drive huge cars, eat meat everyday, and have safe comfortable lives in front of huge LCD tvs?"
    Soldier: "Yes that's the one. We can't get them to stop taking Heroin, so we have to stop you instead because we can point guns at you if you don't do what we want, but we can't do that back home"
  20. MissyC

    MissyC Missy Flowers.............

    Mar 23, 2008
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    Costa del Gatesheeeeeed
    oh god, thats actually pretty sad to read, bless him RIP FELLA
  21. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Come, but dont forget to write mummy a letter

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