Beginning in music production HELP!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Productions' started by daruud, Feb 3, 2009.

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  1. daruud


    Oct 6, 2005
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    Beginning in music production HELP!!!!!!

    Call me dumb but after spending years behind the decks it is only now im starting to want to get into producing my own tracks, remixes etc (of a decent quality i hope)

    however what stands in my way is finding a suitable dj program, software, remixing suite that will allow me to do this. anyone out there have any suggestions - as this is fairly a lost cause for me and my knoweldge is zero!!!!

    whats the best, whats good but cheap etc etc

    help is appreciated by all :)
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. Jase

    Jase Blue Booked

    Nov 7, 2004
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    get ableton, do the lessons to get started, use youtube to learn as you go. the learning curve is massive but can be fun

    its not overnight by any means, unless you pay someone to control the gear and you pretend you've "come up with the idea's"

    you've obviously come to the point where you've realised you cant dj without producing music anymore. welcome to the 90s :D
  4. Lamb

    Lamb Registered User

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Searching for the new sound!
    It depends what your budget, and computer is i.e Mac or Pc.
    Mac you have pretty much everything unless the likes of cubase and protools havents released new versions for mac.
    Pc doest run Logic past version 5.5, again, unless they have released a new version.
    Ableton is a bit of a legend for everything these days, it can look a bit intimidating at first but its easy enough to move around once youve had a gander. Its cheapish, depending on how much your willing to spend.
    I would say Reason is a good place to start, but you WILL have to get something else somewhere along the line.
    Logic and Cubase are pretty much exactly the same thing, except theyre from different companies, have different preset plugins (Logic is easier imo, but this usually causes an argument).
    Theres lesser programs like sonar, acid loops, cakewalk and Fuityloops which is actually decent these days. Just jump on google and do a search for any of them.
    If your running mac, try and get your stuff through Apple and find a student if your not one, as you can get discount!
    Hope that helps mate!
  5. daruud


    Oct 6, 2005
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    comments appreciated and most helpfull,


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