CRB Checks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mr.B.ThatsMe, Jan 8, 2009.

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  1. Sweeney

    Sweeney Registered User

    Jan 24, 2002
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    Keeping to the plan
    Well said.
  2. club head

    club head

    Oct 18, 2004
    Likes Received:
    low fell
    i only plan on goin over for a month. so would only need a tourist visa.

    r well that has put my mind at ease. some people have been tellin me that i'll never ever be allowed in OZ or america for the rest of my life haha. and i was fuckin gutted at the thought of never seein some of my mates ever again.
  3. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    For America, you'd need to goto the US Embassy and apply for a visa, which isn't cheap when you consider the costs of getting there and back (there's one in London, and one up North somewhere), then the £60 or more that you need to pay for the appointment. Unless things have changed in the last 4 years, you'll more than likely get banned from entering the US within the next 10 years (it may even be 10 years before you can just re-apply for a visa, i can't remember). This happened to my m8 when he applied for a visa after being arrested several times for drunk and disorderly, and once for driving his dads car into a wall whilst under the influence and with no license :monkey:
  4. club head

    club head

    Oct 18, 2004
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    low fell
    i hav also got cautions for drunk and disorderly aswell as affray. plus the drugs thing. so there isnt much point in me even tryin to get in america for a good few years yet really lol
  5. Grahamy B

    Grahamy B

    May 7, 2008
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    The Slums of Crambodia
    Aah the US Embassy, what a bunch of cunts!
    Ai there's 1 in London & 1 in Ireland, or that was the case when I had to apply for a visa a few year ago. I went to the 1 in Ireland on cheap Easyjet flights with my brother which worked out bein' cheaper than if I'd travelled to London. My mam paid for the whole thing; the interview, travel, hotel for a night etc. so I could get a visa for a planned family holiday to Florida the following year. I had a caution for possession of a class C substance & they rejected me & said I couldn't re-apply for at least another 3-4 years & as long as I had nothing else on my record they would consider it. Complete waste of mine & my brothers time & my loving mothers hard earned pension. We were all extremely gutted to say the very least.
    On the flip side though- my mam & the rest of the family still had their nice holiday & Florida while she then paid for me & my lass to have 2 weeks all inclusive in Jamaica! Which I would've much preferred in the 1st place. & obviously the Jamaican government weren't to arsed that I'd been caught smoking a joint :chill:

    America is way to strict & over the top about everything & most fat headed Americans really annoy me. Nice country though & I'd still love to back there some day but after receiving a further caution for possession of multiple classes of drugs at Creamfields last year (Acid, MDMA, ket, MDPV & hash) I'm gonna have to wait 'til I'm about 80 before I can even think about it.
  6. club head

    club head

    Oct 18, 2004
    Likes Received:
    low fell
    did you get caught goin into creamfields or did ya get caught inside? did they allow you to stay in the event or did ya hav to leave?
  7. Grahamy B

    Grahamy B

    May 7, 2008
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    The Slums of Crambodia
    Didn't get caught goin' in, the security on entry was pretty much non existant. Got caught goin' from campsite to arenas. If you went you'll know that they had a ridiculous amount of security goin' into the arenas (literally crowds of police officers & dogs) & they were there every second that the arenas were open.
    I had all of the noted substances stashed in a kinder surprise container nestled safely (or so I thought) against my balls. A dog sniffed me & my mate out when we were walkin' in & my mate immediately handed over a bag of coke he had in his pocket & he let him go. But he insisted on searching me over & over again. On the 4th search he eventually felt the lump against my nads. I acted dumb at 1st like I didn't know what he was talkin' about & claimed that he could just feel my balls but when he took me into a strip search cubicle I just handed it over.
    After what felt like hours & an extremely intense interrigation they let me back into the festival, I'd missed all of Eddie Halliwells set & wandered round by myself for ages lookin' for my mates
  8. club head

    club head

    Oct 18, 2004
    Likes Received:
    low fell
    unlucky mate. i hav been caught a good few times by sniffer dogs at festivals. but i hav always had mine stashed in the same place as you. and even on a strip search they still never found them or anything. i just said i had been smokin joints in the campsite or summit and they always just let me go on my way.
  9. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Did they just tell you to piss off and come back in 4 years or did they take further precautions to make sure you you'll never be able to enter the US unless you apply for a visa in the future?

    I was in the same boat as you but after reading about how strict they are even for cautions, I decided not to go for an interview and instead just go down to London with my m8's on the piss whilst my m8 who'd crashed the car applied for his visa.

    When I got to the US, I just lied about ever being in trouble with the police and I got in no bother. Try and find out what if any measures they took to make sure you don't enter the US.. You'll probably be fine getting in as there's no system that can check everyone in the world for cautions in Airports :p
  10. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    China's system may seem ideal, but the endless stream of dead female babies lining the streets of its towns and villages suggest otherwise. Parents simply abandon baby girls as they won't be able to provide for the family as well as boys. This will be getting worse now seeing China's economy is shrinking and the working class are losing their manufacturing jobs.

    Where would you draw the line with having kids on license? A good few of us on here have records of some sort, and for the others who haven't, well they are just lucky they haven't been caught with illegal drugs on them as I'm pretty sure 99% of us have partaken in the past.

    We may as well go back to sterilising down syndrome people again and people with other mental or genetic handicaps too while we are at it.
  11. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Quite a haul
  12. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Exactly. It's all well and good saying people should need a licence to have kids, but how will a crb check differentiate between a couple who have been charged with offences in the past but have now sorted themselves out, and a couple who've been charged in the past but have just became more cautious since then but still do all the shit they used to?
  13. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    So fuck? They also eat dogs with chop sticks and have slanty eyes.

    If your implying we willstart slaughtering our first born simply cos they are girls take a rain check
  14. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    You could have just refused to be searched and said you where willing to leave the event, they cant strip search you on a Dog "smelling" you.

    A strip search is like a warrent they need proof theres more than likely something to be found or if they have knicked you already for a drugs offense iv been "Sniffed out" by a drugs dog cos my jeans had just came out of the dry cleaners and stunk of chemicals.

    ITs amazing how many ppl just own up and produce the drugs from their person when they think they are cornered by The Pigs, this is what the fuckers play on they make you think they have the right to search you and do this and that.

    The same goes for Doormen, they cant hold you or search you just refuse and say you want to leave.

    Knowing your rights could have saved you a criminal record
  15. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    Are you sure? Theres a load of Chinese in the UK. I'm pretty sure all these Muslims prefer sons too.
  16. Ferox

    Ferox Shamanic Tea

    Oct 19, 2003
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    If a bouncer finds anything on you in a club is he allowed to keep you in the premises whilst he calls the police?
  17. Congay

    Congay Registered User

    Aug 22, 2002
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    If they find something they do (Not 100% of the legallity of this tho) but if they try to search you or demand you drop yr pants (as they do in trees) you can refuse and ask to leave and they shouldnt stop you.

    Remember if a doorman catchs you something and calls police its simply YOUR WORD against HIS WORD... if its enought to go to jail for its worth hatching a story (planting, someone else had the gear but they grabbed you etc) you would have a fighting chance of winning as its not 100% you had the gear its just some meatheads word, a jury can easily be convinced theres a element of doubt and therefore cant convict
  18. Rossy

    Rossy . Staff

    Jul 31, 2004
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    You recieved a caution for that? It's meant to be unclassified in the UK
  19. Grahamy B

    Grahamy B

    May 7, 2008
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    The Slums of Crambodia
    They just told me to piss off basically, & re-apply in 4 year if my record had stayed clean. Yeah I thought it was stupid to even have to apply for a visa just for a caution, especially with the hassle & cost we had to go through. But my OTT mother insisted I must do it. She had visions of us landing in Florida & then armed customs officers dragging me away in cuffs, never to be seen again.
    If I tried to go now though, without applying for 1, they'll have on record that I've previously applied & failed so I'd be fucked
  20. Mr.B.ThatsMe

    Mr.B.ThatsMe 'yi raji puff

    Mar 7, 2005
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    You think so?
    What kind of record would that be?

    For US customs to know what records you have, they need to go through International Interpol or something, which takes time. I'm pretty sure they won't have any records of who's applied for a visa in the past and been unsuccessful either, otherwise why not just check for the caution in the first place?

    The system is a farce, with the intention being to make money and cause good citizens to lose out of the opportunity to travel to the US. That's the way I see it.

    -Had one caution 5 years ago? Lets ban you from the country for the same amount of time or more and then make you give us more money and them maybe, if you're lucky, we'll let you go. Don't count on it though.

    In reality the US doesn't give two shits about someone entering the country who's had a caution in the past otherwise they'd have systems to check for it. I'm so glad I didn't fall into their trap by paying them to ruin a family holiday.

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