Fire It Up & Goodgreef – The Mental Hospital @ The Victoria Works, Leeds 4th May 08

Discussion in 'Going Out' started by philjack1234, Apr 23, 2008.

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  1. philjack1234


    Oct 22, 2007
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    Fire It Up & Goodgreef – The Mental Hospital @ The Victoria Works, Leeds 4th May 08

    Doctors and Nurses Lunacy Ball

    “Dr Halliwell to the main ward, Dr Halliwell to the main ward………………”

    Its medicine time, The Royal Infirmary of Fire it Up and Goodgreef are bringing the city of Leeds an Audio dose to ignite the mind and recover the senses.
    With a prescription administering a line-up which reads like a who’s who in the Trance, tech trance and the hard dance scenes prepare for an event which will be dissected and examined for years to come, as the cure for all club casualties.
    The bank holiday weekends are always the most hotly contested occasions due to that extra day to play. It throws up a completely different way to look at your weekend. For this reason the big players bring out the big guns, to make sure that those little nuggets of extra day fun are supported by a party you need an extra day to recover from. Fire It Up and Goodgreef are proud to bring you an event of such magnitude that only a bank holiday could possibly support it. To all ‘Devilish Doctors’ and ‘Naughty Nurses’ get into the treatment and join in the operation.
    Spread over two vast zones in the amazing ‘Victoria Works Warehouse’ complex to give two very different treatment options:

    The Fire It Up ‘main ward’ staff on call
    -Dr Eddie Halliwell (surgeon general)-
    Back for his 1st Leeds club show in over 3 years, after operating in some of the finest establishments globally its time for the UK’s finest to return
    -Valentino Kanzyani (techno lab technician)-
    Exclusive Producers set from one of the world’s leading Techno stars to set pulses raising.
    -John O’Callaghan (chief resident on call)-
    The last 18 months have seen one name emerge from the trance ranks to become its brightest star.
    -Marcel Woods (European ‘trance’-plantation specialist)-
    One of the big names in the trance field Marcel never fails to deliver a clinically precise show
    -Barry Connell (resident on call)-
    Scotland’s finest and newest Radio 1 essential mix resident, a full throttle tech trance dose by one of the scenes hottest young talents.
    -Kane Nelson (Digital Society) local GP for audio prescription-
    -Art Of Noise (Off The Rails) local GP for audio prescription-

    Goodgreef Xtra Hard ‘mental unit’ staff on call
    -Tidy Boys (‘head’ doctors)-
    Controlling the operation for the hard side are Chief Surgeons Amo and Pickles
    -Alex Kidd (infection control) -
    Delivering a lethal dose of the hardest and most infectious music of the moment
    -Zany (Holland’s leading Hardstyle practitioner)-
    Hardstyle injection of the highest calibre
    -Mark E. ‘c’ G-
    Sent to make the heart pound
    -Paul Glazby (filth injection)-
    The original top practitioner bringing a dose of filth back on a grand scale
    -DR Morgan (Goodgreef)
    Goodgreef’s own hard resident on call, twisted prescriptions
    -Em.‘d’ Extreme -
    local GP for audio prescription

    Come take your treatment, doctors orders…………………..

    The Complete Lineup:

    Fire It Up main ward
    Eddie Halliwell
    Valentino Kanzyani
    John O’Callaghan
    Marcel Woods
    Barry Connell
    Kane Nelson
    Art Of Noize

    Goodgreef Xtra Hard Mental Unit
    Tidy Boys
    Alex Kidd
    Mark Eg
    Paul Glazby
    Em Extreme
    £17 early bird tickets, £22 thereafter M.O.T.D

    Goodgreef & Fire It Up
    The Mental Hospital ‘Doctors & Nurses Lunacy Ball
    Bank Holiday Sunday May 4th 2008
    @ Victoria Works Warehouse, Bowling Green Terrace, Leeds

    Tickets can be purchased from: 08700600100

    Independent outlets:
    HMV – Leeds, Sheffield
    Leeds - Jumbo Records 01132 455 570, Record Box 01132 422 488
    Bradford – The Disc
    Manchester – Strawberri Peach, Cyberdog
    Chorley – Townsend records
    Bury – Vibes / Hull – Top Deck Tunes

    Attached Files:

  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. adam.

    adam. kthxbi

    Dec 10, 2003
    Likes Received:
    is there a stepy's coach or anything for this ? im not arsed about it like char wants to go
  4. wayneo


    Aug 3, 2006
    Likes Received:
    yes there is coach £20
    or coach+entry £43
    contact 0191 5267241

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