Brisbane's big dance club, The Family , had a lot of trouble with beer boys I'm told (ie, pissed up backpackers). So they enforced a strict dress code for men - no dress shoes, no polo shirts, no collared shirts (including rugby tops that stuck up Durham uni students like to wear wear), no prominent labels like Calvin Klein or Armani on t-shirts and so on. This keeps a lot of the trouble out, with pissed up backpackers not knowing the score, and your macho Aussie guys not wanting to go 'cos of the fag dress code' (they all like heavy metal anyways). To get in you have to show that you want to be there cos of the 'scene', if you know what I mean Every club ID's you here, regardless of age (within reason, if you look like 35 and below), which keeps the young un's out, though pubs are a different story.
i must admit, this is the type of idiots in friday causing hassle. I'm sure the lass who 'round-housed' Brid was some posh student rah - buying bottles of champayne and falling all over the dance floor. Back news about claire - hope she's ok Graham - plus the only fights at detox are usually started my Melt
on a lighter note, digital will never be officially "rougher" than foundation until someone drops their kegs in the middle of the dancefloor and curls one out
Graham I'm very sorry about what has happened, and I can assure you my words yesterday on here weren't about ignoring the incident which has just happened, it was more about the general comments about the club which were made, and was also me trying to reason (and agree) with Gary that we are standing on the door trying to sort the wheat from the chaf so to speak.. but it's an increasing difficult task doing that job because of the reasons (and more) which I have already pointed out on this thread.. I did have a good mooch around the club on Saturday and was talking to a couple of friends for about 20/30 minutes just behind the steel bars looking through at the back of the dancefloor.. the crowd seemed ok compared to sme weeks when I've been disappointed, yes a load off it, but I'm canny sure that's something we can't help.. the strength or amount of what people are taking when they come! Again, without wanting to sound like a stuck record, the majority which get chucked out tend to look ok going in, and we really can't tell if someone is going to be violent when they are inside, unless they just look like a right nasty bastard (you know the type).. Hopefully this "stealth/destiny" club with "ultrabeat" on will take some of it away from us and save us knocking 100 + people back every week haha... I'm not even sure if you want to come back to the club, and I'd be pretty certain your missus doesn't want to.. but if you do.. or even want to come to the Easter Soiree at WHQ.. drop me an e mail to and I'll sort you some freebies out.. I know it means nowt, but it's at least a gesture of goodwill and I hope your lass is ok.. scoobz
In that case, Scooby i got beaten up aswell...hand over the ca$h What is this 'Stealth' you talk about?
its what used to be the pig & whistle on the biggmarket. someone's redone it and is trying to brand it as an NUS only venue during the week, but it remains to be seen what they'll do with it at weekends... fiver says it becomes clubland fm and it's just like the pig mk2.
theres 2 entrance.. the "stealth" entrance is on the chronicle side of building and that's how the student only nights get in n a Tues/Wed etc.. Then there's an entrance opposite Yell/liquid called "destiny" and that's for Fridays/saturdays.. the dance night (edit) quite a unique idea to try that.. be interesting to see if it works..
It was the my first time at Digital for Ferry and defo my last, for a trance night anyway. The mrs had been before for a Gods night and warned me of the idiots who frequent the place, but I thought I'd give it a go. I've been 'clubbing' for 9 years now and I'm sure things have got steadily worse as far as peoples club manners are concerned. Folks were just throwing themselves around like proper spastics and didn't seem to care about the music and who they bumped into. Having to put up with this kind of shit just ruins the night. If folks like that want to jump around like arseholes I'm sure there are plenty of nights on at the Academy which welcome that kind of behavior. Oh and while I'm having a whinge, get the sound system sorted out in there cause cause it's piss poor
Alot of the bigger clubs in london have people in luminous jackets keeping an eye on the dancefloor - no bouncers inside and none needed unless trouble kicks off. Being munted is ignored by them since half the people in there are spannered in that manner Feels alot safer.
went clubbing in houston on saturday night... had to go through 2... not 1 but 2 metal detectors on the way in as they had a history of violence in the past.... this i only found out when we got there... wtf!!! made me feel real safe!! (i miss home... )
TBH ive not seen any trouble at Detox!! Fair enough GGTT's - the crowd is generally spot on at GG Cant comment on Shindig only been a handful of times Hope your gf is ok
Hope she's ok! That is fucking disgusting behaviour, how do these people sleep at night is all I can say. I wouldn't dream of attacking a lad for no reason never mind a lass. Deary me!
...but as for more people moaning about clubs nowadays is because I think people have grown up a bit. I used to see some right unsavouries in Foundation but I was too E'd up to give a shit.
In terms of the atmosphere it's a really difficult thing to define why digital doesn't quite work though. All the elements are there that a club needs, it just doesn't feel friendly somehow. Foundation always seemed to feel warmer and friendlier. I don't think the people who were there were any different to the ones now in digital but there was just something intangible in that place that made the interactions between people better. The big open bar space feels desperate to me and I hate being there and it always has the air of a place about to kick off. Despite all that on friday I never saw any bother, never felt any problems around, the crowd seemed canny enough and I had a good time. not much in the way of glass on the floor, security not too oppressive. the sound system is not that great despite all the function hype but that's just my opinion and everybody else seems to think its wonderful. If I owned it I might consider taking out the prison bars which have a really negative feel, introducing a bit of colour here and there, sorting out better lighting in the bar area with warmer colours maybe and doing something to enable the punters to see the dj. Couldn't see them at all on friday which means there is no interaction with them which again doesn't help togetherness in the crowd. Oh and if the world had better pills it might help too
They should defo move that barrier thing like. It makes moving around more difficult aswell because you have to go down the sides to get onto the dancefloor, which can be quite crowded at time.
like a few people on here have mensioned, that new pig and whistle/ Yell place (who cares whats its now called) will hopefully get rip of some of the bother once it opens and is in full flow! i dont have anything against digital even when it was packed to the rafters for PVD i enjoyed my night - but i cant ctand daft cunts wanting to fight and there seems to be more and more of them in of late am hoping its just cos they have had no where else to go, and they fuck off when there little dump opens up again down the bigg market
There's nowt they can do sometimes. Like scoobz said, alot of trouble makers don't look like theraverage dick head but once they've had a drink they think they're John Rambo. I suppose you'll also get people that look like reet charvas who are sound as pound and wouldn't harm a fly but they're the ones that get knocked back. :spangled: