Sound Shelter...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by SoundShelter, Feb 6, 2008.

Users Viewing Thread (Users: 0, Guests: 0)

  1. SoundShelter


    Feb 6, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Sound Shelter...


    Hi there,

    This is to let you know that we in the process of designing Sound Shelter, a new, 100% independent, web and mobile portal dedicated to music and events in the north east of England.

    The portal will contain the latest music news and reviews featuring the best bands, artists and djs as well as gig/club listings for the north east of England alongside photos, videos and reviews of recent events.

    As well as supplying you with all this information, we will be giving you the chance to let everyone know about new music and events that may be missed by our gang of intrepid researchers. Found something interesting on the web or want to share the love about a new album or band? Great; we want to hear about it.

    We don’t care what kind of sound you are into whether it is UK Indie, German Techno, US Hip Hop or French Electro , there will be something for (almost) everyone here and if you don’t like what you see then we want you to get involved and let everyone know what they are missing out on. You’ll also be please to hear that we draw the line at X-Factor rejects, identi-kit boy bands and Cliff Richard (if you want to read about that then we can recommend plenty of other websites to pollute your senses with).

    Have you ever been in any of the following situations?

    Stuck for what to do on a night out but already sitting in a bar away from your computer or magazines?

    Just heard a new track or seen an amazing band or DJ and want to tell everyone about it but cant wait to get home?

    Sitting on the bus bored and have read the Metro paper from front to back?

    We’ll also be running a mobile site so you can access and add great information direct from your mobile.

    We are looking to launch in April 2008 so we ask you to fill in the completely anonymous questionnaire below so we can make sure the site features what YOU want.

    If you feel you have something to offer or are a club, promoter, band, artist or are just plain nosey then get in touch on our email address;

    Keep your eyes on for further updates or enter your email address at the end of the survey to be told when the site goes live (we promise that we wont use your email address for anything other than letting you know when the site is live AND we wont be giving it to anyone else)

    Thanks for your time and we look forward to hearing your views in the survey.

    All @ Sound Shelter
  2. 1615634792921.png
  3. gib

    gib cock-pushups?

    Dec 2, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Hugging the Digital Subs
    personally think this is a really good idea.

    **Completes survey and waits patiently**
  4. SoundShelter


    Feb 6, 2008
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    Thanks to all who have completed the questionnaire, really helpful and interesting :)

    If you promote a night of any genre (Baja need not apply) and are interested in adding your listings then please get in touch by email:


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