Prickly Heat im not one for suicide but i was borderline about 10 minutes ago, i went on the sunbed for too long and now im paying for it, the itch was that bad i was cracking up and was looking for ways to 'safely' knock myself out, ive had broken legs, barbed wire ripped through me skin, broken and dislocated fingers, glass in me hands, but none of these compaired to what i just went through, i go on holiday on saturday night and if im still like i am now then i aint going, ive had to make do with clarytyn cos the shop never had piriton so im hoping its the same boy, and i dowsed meself in aftersun but im sure that made it worse, and no cunt in seaham has any calomime lotion :evil: it was so painful im starting to see the funny side of it
I can see you getting sunstroke in beefa like! Natural yogurt is the best thing for it, takes the itch out in minutes make sure you stock up with it in Ibiza
i ran into sainsbury's shouting piriton piriton give me some piriton haha looked like i was getting me fix on the counter might have to make a return journey, i take it that it has to be natural yoghurt and not a muller fruit corner?
I sometimes get this on my arms and legs on holiday and your right its absolutely fucking wrecks. I dont envy you in the slightest.
its the worst feeling ive ever had, its all over my body and the thing is im in ibiza in 2 days and it wont be healed by then
Its a total nightmare, i get it all the time on hols, camomile lotion sooths it for a bit, but stay out the sun for at least 4 days or you will probs jump off the cliffs
im not sunbathing in ibiza, i dont care if i come back pastey as fuck, nothing on this earth will make me risk going through that again just went to see if sainsbury's had some yogurt in but theyre shut :evil:
No definately not muller corner Just get sainsburys own natural yogurt, its about a quid for a large tub Aslong as you wear a high factor on holiday and apply it hourly/2hourly you wont get it again and keep your aftersun in the fridge then put it on after a shower you will be fine
I GET FUCKING ILL WITH IT I look like a feckin fish after 3 days but had a good couple of sunbeds befor i go on Sunday
aye, but its still itchy like, goes mental when i go near somet warm. gonna be goosed when i get off that plane