putting the "fun" in fundamentalism... What a bunch of prats. You have Tony Blair and George Bush to thank for them...
They are known as the Muslims Against Crusades same crowd burnt the poppies. http://www.muslimsagainstcrusades.com/index.php Near by to that mob was this lot
Muslims Against Crusades is fronted by Anjem Choudhary, a well-known extremist. He used to run Islam4UK, but then it was listed as a terrorist organisation under the terrorism act in 2010 and membership was banned, so he disbanded it and founded MAC instead. He's an outspoken hardliner and a fanatic, and just like the 20 fanatics who crashed planes into buildings ten years ago, he's not representative of every muslim out there. He's been denounced and criticised by pretty much every mainstream islamic sect in the UK.
i wish someone would build a giant robotic T-rex and maul the lot of them who attend these things and it should be broadcast in between all tv programs as a warning to not be an absolute retard. people should just realize God DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST!
When will this country clench its arsecheeks and stop letting every person/race/religion stick its fucking dick right in our ass and shimmy shimmy yo our shit. Laughing fucking stock of thw world!
I wish we would stop letting the Americans stick their dicks in our ass. They have made us the laughing stock of the world. I'm sorry for the people who died but worse things have happened all over the world every year since 9/11. Where is the minutes silence for them? You are being manipulated by a warmongering machine folks. This is the UK - where is the minutes silence for all our dead at the hands of the IRA? - nowhere.
You can find 100 nutters anywhere, easily. We are all fools for expecting an entire marginalised religion NOT to have a few people who actually kick up a fuss about how they have been made the 'baddies' of the world. 10 years on from that 'day', and what do we have? A million dead, and another 25+ years of fallout to deal with, while the middle east is homogenised. What was is all for eh.
I would galdly take 100 million dead arabs if my petrol was cheaper but thats not even the fucking case! cunts
We remember most of them on 11/11 If you look around you can find info showing arrears effected by large IRA attacks have services. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/merseyside/7306138.stm http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-11392382
well that's true but it's the overkill (so to speak) of the media coverage for this that gets on my wick. They were not all 'heroes' they were victims. The bombers were not all 'cowards' whatever else they might have been. This was not the greatest atrocity of the century. Our emotions are being manipulated by lachrymose media coverage and sentimental bullshit tojustify the war on terror